ter the death of my husband, a lie I believed in almost cost my life. I learned the great power of deception is that when you're deceived, you don't know that you’re deceived. My biggest mistake was not asking God if this “promise” I thought I heard was from Him, and I believed I would die in 5 years and see my beloved again. Also, this was my precious secret that I didn’t share with anyone. I was so sure this “gift” was from the Lord. Five years later, I was diagnosed with cancer. The friend who drove me to the doctor's, was a cancer survivor herself. When I told her about the promise, and how I believed this was how God wouId take me home, she just wept and said "this doesn't make any sense to me."
One night after a message at church on deception, I finally asked God, now almost five years later, if I was deceived about anything. Immediately, He revealed to me that the lie I believed in was not from Him. My faith in this lie, gave it life and the power to kill me. I was in awe, and totally humbled by God’s mercy, kindness and patience. I immediately repented, and literally felt the progression of the cancer in my body stop. Spirtual warfare followed quoting scripture, and standing on God’s promises that included Ephesians 6:10-17, Isaiah 41:13; 54:17, and Jerimiah 29:11. The colon cancer surgery was successful, and with no need for chemo or additional treatment. I was totally healed-that was sixteen years ago. God is an amazing and loving Father. He truly is good! Some scriptures that address the spirit of deception: 1 John 4:1 Ephesians 5:10 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Proverbs 11:14 As we continue to grow, may God’s blessings, discernment, and wisdom rest on all who love God and the Lord Jesus Christ,
our soon coming King! After the death of my husband, a lie I believed in almost cost my life. I learned the great power of deception is not knowing that you’re deceived. My biggest mistake was not asking God if this “promise” was from Him. Also, not checking it against scripture, and I didn’t share it with anyone. A discerning Christian would have disagreed. I was so sure this “word” was from the Lord, until I finally did ask God, five years later. He immediately revealed to me that the lie I believed in was not from Him. My faith in this lie, gave it life and the power to kill me. I repented, awed and humbled by God’s mercy, kindness and patience. Immediately, I felt the progression of the cancer in my body stop. Warfare: quoting and standing on God’s Word followed. The surgery for colon cancer was successful and there was no need for chemo or any additional treatment. I was healed-that was sixteen years ago. Some scriptures that address the spirit of deception: 1 John 4:1 ESV Ephesians 5:10 ESV 1 Thessalonians 5:21 NASB Proverbs 11:14 KJV By the power of the Holy Spirit may God’s favor, discernment, and wisdom rest on you, in Jesus’ name. |
Lord, You are sovereign.
You decide when, and where, and how. You are the Holy One, Who dwells in the midst of the praises of Your people. Let us bless the Lord, Who is worthy to receive all glory, and thank Him for His goodness! |